Levex - Estudio Levex

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InTouch Unlimited
AVEVA™ InTouch HMI permite a los clientes y creadores de sistemas crear operaciones conectadas y aumentar la productividad y la eficiencia. Se conecta a cualquier dispositivo para proporcionar información en tiempo real. visualización en cualquier momento y lugar.
Etiquetas ilimitadas
Clientes ilimitados
Impulsores de comunicación
Herramientas de desarrollo
AVEVA™ Historian
AVEVA™ Reports for Operations

Licencia ilimitada de InTouch

Imagine las nuevas posibilidades con escalabilidad, conectividad, informes y acceso web ilimitados.

InTouch Unlimited (Professional)

Obtenga herramientas potentes para implementaciones de múltiples nodos con potentes capacidades de generación de informes y contenido de autoservicio.

Contactá con un especialista

InTouch Unlimited (Standard)

Cree HMI eficientes, comuníquese con controladores y dispositivos de automatización y registre alarmas y datos históricos.

Contactá con un especialista

AVEVA offers the most flexible subscription and perpetual licensing to meet your business needs. Get operational monitoring and control at your fingertips, using any HTML5-compliant web browser.

Connect, visualize, analyze, report

InTouch Unlimited ushers in a new industrial operations experience through the power of web and mobile apps, enabling more connected operations and connected workers. It includes rich reporting and analysis capabilities for operational and compliance reporting through AVEVA Reports for Operations and AVEVA Historian

When you need a modern HMI that does more for your business, we’ll take you there.

Key benefits: InTouch Unlimited

Full web HMI/SCADA functionality that works everywhere, including even outside the OT network.

Responsive and portable HTML5 graphics and SVG support provide 100% reusable content across any device or OS. Out-of-the-box web widgets open new possibilities beyond traditional HMI use cases.

Empower connected workers with real-time guided help, geo-asset tracking, and inventory management—all on their smartphone or tablet.

Why settle for a generic SQL database that isn’t purpose-built for operations control? Designed for HMI/SCADA applications, AVEVA™ Historian captures time-series data hundreds of times faster than standard SQL databases.

Get better business insights, improve processes, meet compliance requirements, identify production patterns, and improve asset utilization. Do more with your history.

WindowMaker Development is free of charge. It is now super-charged.

Personal workspaces feature enables web development user experience to create ad hoc run-time displays without any engineering development tools or scripting. Graphical workflows are streamlined to support UDT symbols. UDTs support nesting up to 6 levels deep, so adding valves to a Tank is super easy. Moreover, InTouch automatically exposes the namespace of OPC UA Servers, simplifying the application development with OPC UA sources with drag and drop mechanism.