February 6 marks International Safe Internet Day 2024, an initiative supported by the INSAFE network and the European Union. This global event, held around the second Tuesday of February, has the crucial objective of raising awareness about the need for a safer Internet.
Since its inception in 2004, this day has mobilized millions to advocate for the safe use of the Internet, especially for children and young people, a more vulnerable population. More than one hundred countries participate, promoting discussions and activities to make the Internet a safer environment.
The versatility of the Internet provides us with countless benefits, but it also poses risks, especially for the youngest. The slogan highlights the shared responsibility of making the Internet a safe place. On Safer Internet Day 2020, the theme "A better Internet starts with you: together we learn cybersecurity" emphasized the active participation of users.
Celebrate this day by raising awareness among family and friends about the importance of educating them in the correct use of the Internet. Prioritize children and young people, who are most susceptible. Talk about the responsible use of the Internet and share your experiences on social networks with the hashtags #SaferInternetDay #SaferInternetDay #SID2024.
International Safer Internet Day is an opportunity to promote online safety and build a safer digital environment for everyone. Participate in the conversation and contribute to a safer and more responsible Internet! 🌐🔒
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