Levex - Estudio Levex

Interview with the CEO of Levex,  Juan Pablo Elbusto.

Of course, it's never as difficult as the level we see in the video, but it's pretty close. The country's economic dynamics, characterized by its constant change, make business management a commitment that requires meticulous planning, adaptability and a deep understanding of the local and global context.

First of all, economic volatility in Argentina is a constant that every business leader must face. Swings in inflation, exchange rate and interest rates can have a significant impact on the operating costs and profitability of any company. Uncertainty has become part of everyday life, requiring solid financial strategies. Mitigating risks becomes essential but how?

Adaptability becomes an exclusive virtue. Economic policies change every day, and companies must quickly adjust to new conditions, but without taking a false step. This means constantly rethinking plans and strategies, and of course having a contingency plan.

There are several factors at play to carry out this process. Investment is one of them as I have previously addressed in other notes. I am not talking about solely financial investment, but in human capital, in its training, it is getting ahead and being one step more advanced in the digital transformation. It is healthy for the company to maintain a team of agile collaborators willing to learn and adapt constantly.

Companies need investment strategies that allow them to not only maintain, but increase their value in the midst of this inflationary environment. Diversifying your investment becomes a smart strategy. Some companies choose to acquire bonds that accompany the rise of the dollar or that protect against inflation, which can be a way to protect the value of their assets in times of volatility. Investment in technology has also become critical as it can improve operational efficiency and reduce costs in an inflationary environment.

Risk management becomes a critical component of business management. Companies must be prepared to face risks such as devaluation, inflation and changes in tax regulations. Identifying and mitigating these risks is essential to ensure business continuity.

Capital investment, whether in technology, infrastructure or internal team development, must be strategic and sustainable over the long term.

In short, running a business in Argentina is a challenge that requires a constant alert mindset, adaptability, and a deep understanding of the risks and opportunities in the economic environment, almost like playing Mario Bros. Uncertainty and volatility are part of the picture. business, and effectively managing these challenges is critical to success. Investment in technology, diversification and risk management are key strategies to successfully navigate the complex but exciting Argentine business landscape. Companies that can successfully navigate these obstacles will be well positioned to thrive in a challenging environment.

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