Levex - Estudio Levex

Scenario of the Chemical and Petrochemical industry

Crecientes preocupaciones sobre el entorno empresarial global debido a disputas comerciales entre EE. UU. y China, Estados Unidos y la UE, así como el Brexit, llevan a las empresas químicas y Petroquímicas a reducir sus expectativas de crecimiento. China lo hará pronto tendrá una participación de mercado del 50% de la producción química mundial.

Por tanto, China está dentro del foco de inversión, proyectos para empresas químicas, pero el menor crecimiento en China añade incertidumbre a los planes de inversión.


Since the location of chemical production is more driven by proximity to end (commercial) customers, growth will be focused on this region. Cheap shale gas in North America continues to drive investment in North America. This will drive investment in petrochemicals, as the location of petrochemical investments is more driven by proximity to feedstock.

Since process technology is a key competitive factor in the chemical industry, protecting intellectual property will remain a major concern for global chemical companies. While traditional global chemical industry players continue to lead, competitors, especially China and to some extent the Middle East, are trying to catch up. This increases the pressure to accelerate innovation and increase efficiency to reduce costs. Digital Transformation is a transformation of work enabled by "digitization." It is useful to consider the differences between four commonly used phrases in the "digital" conversation and reflect on where it is.

Application Server

Waste: Minimizing "waste," such as manual calculations, time spent searching for and verifying information.
When: Previously, often before situations or opportunities arise.
Where: Includes remote mobile workers.
OMS: Optimizing expert engagement (so they can focus on improvements).
How: Planned teamwork, proactively guided and tracked.

AVEVA focuses on all components of mining to achieve excellence in digital project execution using a holistic approach that empowers all project personnel with the right technologies and training to transform work.
Digital acceleration is an acceleration of this journey and must be driven from the top of the organization. Senior management makes and drives decisions across silos to establish the "new way of working." The impact on corporate performance and shareholder profitability is significant.

Digital transformation efforts failed because:
They started as technology projects.
They were implemented as technology roadmaps.
There was insufficient cultural change from management.
There was insufficient or excessive innovation.
There was insufficient integration of people, process, work, strategy, and technology.
Digital transformation succeeded because:
They started as workforce transformation projects.
They were implemented as holistic combinations of people, process, work, strategy, and technology.
Senior management actively and consistently sponsors the "new way of working."
They applied best practice methods for cultural change.
Digital acceleration in Chemicals and Petrochemicals.
The success of digital acceleration driven by AVEVA significantly contributes to our customers' ROI by transforming the performance of plant design, construction, and operation.

Why partner with AVEVA for your digital acceleration?
As you embark on your digital acceleration journey, you need to partner with a company that can provide both business and technical guidance, ensuring the successful implementation of your strategic roadmap for digital acceleration. After helping create the comprehensive digital acceleration roadmap, AVEVA will continue to assist in implementing the necessary processes to transform work, optimize processes, and reduce wasted effort. We utilize a holistic approach that integrates both horizontally and vertically within your organization, making us well-suited for this initiative. Global industry leaders trust AVEVA as a leader in digital transformation for process manufacturing companies. As we connect people with processes and technology, we offer end-to-end value chain solutions for process industries. We work with a global network of partners that focus on the complete digital technology landscape.

Why partner with AVEVA for your digital acceleration?

Al comenzar su viaje de aceleración digital, deberá asociarse con una empresa que pueda brindar asesoramiento comercial y técnico, además garantizar que su hoja de ruta estratégica para la aceleración digital se implemente con éxito. Después de ayudar a crear la hoja de ruta de aceleración digital completa, AVEVA continuará ayudando a implementar los procesos necesarios para transformar el trabajo, optimizar los procesos y reducir el trabajo desperdiciado. Utilizamos un enfoque holístico que se integra tanto horizontal como verticalmente dentro de su organización, lo que nos hace más adecuados para esta iniciativa.


Los líderes mundiales de la industria confían en AVEVA como líder en transformación digital de empresas de fabricación de procesos. A medida que conectamos a las personas con los procesos y la tecnología, ofrecemos soluciones integrales de cadena de valor para las industrias de procesos. Trabajamos con una red global de socios que se enfoca en la tecnología digital completa.

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