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Scalable training solution for operators.

BASF is a chemical company. It was founded in mid-1865 in the city of Ludwigshafen, Rhineland-Palatinate, by Friedrich Engelhorn for the purpose of producing dyes. It is the largest chemical company in the world, surpassing the Dow Chemical Company and DuPont, BASF increased its sales by 11.1%, to 87.3 billion euros in 2022.

Its main factory, still based in the company's hometown of Ludwigshafen, has become the largest integrated chemical facility in the world, covering an area of ​​10 square kilometers. The production center has two thousand buildings, 115 kilometers of streets and approximately 211 kilometers of train tracks, where more than 39,000 employees work.



  • A new, scalable and efficient method to onboard and train operators
  • Minimize costs and accelerate delivery of new programs.


  • BASF needed to make the training system as intuitive as possible for new recruits, so that they could safely manage complex chemical processes.


  • AVEVA™ XR para Training.
  • AVEVA™ Operator Training Simulator.


  • More than 600 operators trained each year.
  • AVEVA XR for Training is intuitive for new recruits.
  • Virtual training has benefits in sustainability since simulating chemical processes saves energy and raw materials

“We found that AVEVA's virtual reality training environment offered us unique advantages. We could create an accurate virtual training environment that allows teams to not only learn the basic procedures and processes they needed to follow, but also understand the consequences of their actions in a fully immersive simulation...”

Alexander Lang, Training Leader, BASF

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